Friday, August 6, 2010

Back to the Drawing Board

Looks like we're not getting that house after all. There are gas lines that need replaced before anything else can be done (that includes appraisal, inspection, etc.) and the bank (the house is a foreclosure) wants us to pay for half of it. And there's just no way we're doing that without knowing if there's anything else major that is going to need done. So we are back to house hunting. And I am trying not to freak out over the time crunch. There is a house we're going to see on Saturday that looks very promising. In fact I am loving it from the pictures, but trying not to get excited. I know that the other house didn't work out for a reason. Everything happens for a reason and I really believe that. Just have to remember it!

In other news, Brooke is sick :-(. It's just a cold, but she's sleeping terribly tonight. She started sneezing last night and this morning when she woke up, her nose was runny. She was in her usual ornery mood today and eating not acting sick. She only took a 15 minute nap (vs. 1 1/2 to 2hrs) because of her sniffles and despite that she was in a good mood all day and didn't even go to bed until 8:30 (about her regular time). But she's been waking up a lot since she did go to bed. At one point I was holding her to try to get her to calm down and she was arching her back trying to get away from me and just crying and crying. I tried putting her down and then she flipped out because she wanted me. She just did not know WHAT she wanted. I finally got her settled by me on the couch and after about 20 minutes she got in to a deeper sleep. I was going to leave her there and head to bed and try to get some sleep and then she woke up again. Now she is back in her crib sleeping, but I know as soon as I go to get in bed, she'll wake up again, lol. She doesn't even really want me when she wakes up. She was up a few minutes ago and I waited a minute and she passed right back out. But even if she doesn't need/want me, I'll still wake up when she does. Maybe the rest of the night will go better. And if not, oh well....we'll get through it :-). I just want her to feel better!

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