Monday, July 26, 2010

I Thought We Were Past This Stage

A few weeks ago I noticed Ryan was putting his fingers in his mouth all the time. SO gross...especially for an almost 7 year old. I was constantly on him about it. Then one day I noticed him chewing with his back teeth on the spout of the water bottle he had been drinking out of. Then it occurred to me that maybe he had molars coming in and sure enough that seems to be the cause. He's also been pretty darn moody lately and I imagine that is also the cause. I still catch him putting his fingers in his mouth and a lot of the time, he is putting them in the back of his mouth and playing around. I remember how uncomfortable I was when my wisdom teeth were coming the rest of the way in a few years ago. But I never would have thought I would be dealing with a teething, crabby (almost) 7 year old.

It still grosses me out when he put his fingers in his mouth, though....especially when he then tries to hold my hand, like yesterday when we were out shopping. Blech.

He never gave any indication (besides drool) that he was teething as a baby (unlike Brooke), so I guess this is just him playing catch-up again ;-).


Gena said...

Poor little guy!

Anonymous said...

Poor guy! About 6 months ago the dentist said that Bri would be getting her 6 yr old molars soon. Then a few months later she started chewing on water bottle spouts so I looked in her mouth and sure enough the corners were popping thru. That was about the same time she was complaining about headaches all the time.

Good luck with the chewing on fingers.

(BTW This is Sherry, Brianna's mom)