Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Midol, Take Me Away!

Ugh. Hormones really suck sometimes. I'm starting to notice a pattern here. And that pattern is that every month when it's about time for you-know-what I just get crazy. Sometimes this means crying over everything. Sometimes it means yelling too much at the kids. Sometimes it means a slight case of road rage. Sometimes it means feeling like I could just lose it at any time. Not like "scary" lose it...but more like "emotional breakdown" lose it. Yesterday was one of those days. I found myself yelling at Ryan and Brooke WAY more than I normally do and over stupid things. And Brooke was testing me BIG time yesterday and that certainly didn't help. I was so crabby and moody and just angry (over NOTHING)...I eventually got to where I didn't even want to be around myself. It just sucks to be sooo miserable and it's like you can't even control it...can't make yourself be happy or in a good mood. At least I can't. I've never had a huge problem with my you-know-what. Sometimes I do get semi-bad cramps for a day, but that's not even every month. This extreme moodiness is something new that I've noticed for the past few months....maybe it's been going on longer and I just never made the connection. But I think it's time to try some Midol or something. For real.

Today was a lot better. Still a little moody and crabby, but NOTHING like yesterday! Thank God!

P.S. The home inspection is being done on the house Thursday at noon. Cross your fingers and/or say a prayer that it gets a clean bill of health! LOL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe you have PMDD