Thursday, October 21, 2010

You Might Not Want to Read This...

...if you easily get sick or grossed out at the mention of poop. Yes, I said it....poop. That's not all this post is about, but it definitely plays a part in last night's adventure. I'll start at the beginning.

I was planning on making a chicken and stuffing dish for dinner last night and early in the day, I tore up bread for the stuffing and put it in the oven on low to get crunchy. Later on when it came time to preheat the oven for dinner, I totally forgot the bread was in there...until it was too late and burnt to a crisp. I sent Joe, who was at work, a text and he called me right back to say he was on his way home and we would just go out to eat before church.

That's how we ended up at Smokey Bones. We were waiting for our food to come and I decided I should take Brooke to the bathroom to see if she had to go. I went to pull her pull-up down and realized she had pooped (4th time yesterday! 4th time in her pants!). So back to the table we went to get the diaper bag and wipes. I laid her down on the changing table in the bathroom and pulled her pants down and immediately saw poop...everywhere. Down her leg, in the crotch of her jeans, in the waistband in the back of her jeans, and upon closer inspection, UP her back. I cleaned her up and cleaned her pants up the best I could. Silly me didn't bring an extra pair of pants, thinking the pull-up would contain any messes. Ha ha. We went back to the table and I told Joe I hoped we had time to stop at home before church because she was a mess.

Joe had the idea of just stopping over at Walmart and grabbing her a cheap pair of leggings since that would be faster. I go to put Brooke in the car as we're leaving Smokey Bones and the door handle just came off in my hand! Joe got it back on, but it's not really fixed yet, although it seems to be working fine as long as you don't pull too hard on it. We were almost running late for church and I planned on just changing her in the car before going in so after we left Walmart, I reached back and slid her (new, just got the day before) boots off. The next thing I hear is, "Ewww. Yucky sock." and I'm thinking, how can her sock be "yucky"? So I ask her if it's wet (from sweat) and Joe looks back and says, "Um no, there's something brown on it". I look back and sure enough, has poop smeared on her sock and leg. Seriously?!

We get to church and Joe took the boys in to get everyone signed in while I changed Brooke. I got the wipes out and started cleaning her leg off. The poop was like cement on her leg. I guess it somehow fell out of her pull-up and in to her boot at the restaurant?? I have NO idea. I asked her how she got poop on her leg and her sock and she said, "Myron did it." Myron is Joe's golden retriever. LOL. No idea where that came from. I cleaned her boot out the best I could with the wipe and got her changed and off we went. I met Joe inside and he gave me Brooke's tag and I dropped her off at her room.

Joe and I went to our group. We were sitting there waiting for it to start and everyone was chatting and he realized his phone wasn't in his pocket and that he (thought he) left it on the table at the restaurant. So he left to go get it. About 40 minutes later he gets back. Halfway to the restaurant, he realized that the phone was in the car and had been there since Walmart whenever I called him to let him know I was in the checkout line so he could come pick me up at the door since we were running late. Clearly, neither of us were thinking very clearly by the time we got to church last night. LOL.

So, how was YOUR Wednesday night??

1 comment:

Sadie said...

When Nathanial was about 2.5/3 years old and potty training, we went to my IL's office before going out to dinner with them. He had a poopy accident that made a huge mess all through his undies, down the leg of his overalls, his sock, and his shoe. We didn't have a change of clothes on us, so I had to take him to the bathroom, get him cleaned up with paper towels, and then figure out what to do with his clothes. I ended up washing everything out by hand in the bathroom sink, and then using the hand dryer to dry his clothes so I could redress him.

Remind me again why I went on to have 5 more kids? @@